
The whole Brasilian east west coast is made for kiting. Perfect wind conditions from mid-June to at least mid-January and endless beaches make every kiter's heart beat faster.

We can even beat this: At Ilha do Guajirú you will find the largest shallow water lagoon in northeast Brasil right on your doorstep. While in other places you need to load your kitegear onto the buggy, here you can kite from morning to night on approx. 2.5 km² of almost smooth water. Due to the - still - small number of overnight accommodations, even in the peak season it will never be full on the water here. Here you do your trick whenever and wherever you want. The lagoon is separated from the sea by a 50 - 100 m wide sandbank.

Our beach place is located at the main spot and the widest part of the lagoon. The wind direction is always north-west, so almost parallel to the beach. This has the advantage that you can use the whole width of the lagoon and, if the trick doesn't work out or the jump was a little too high and too far, you will be carried a little further downwind. The easy onshore part will also bring you back to the shore in the worst case.

There is probably no safer spot in the world. With the restriction to all sides nothing can happen to you and because you can always see the shore while driving, you will not have the feeling of being alone on the sea.

Even abandoned kites or lost boards never leave the lagoon and are usually found by one of the nice fishermen the next day at the latest.

As the lagoon is open to the sea in the north, it is of course also tidal, i.e. at high tide it is wider, while at low tide there is only a rather narrow strip. The southern part of the lagoon always has enough water for kiting, regardless of the tide. For our guests the shuttle to the lagoon and back is free.

Then the time has come for a break, a snack at the bar or a short downwinder (about 1.5 km) to the beginning of the lagoon. Also there you will find perfectly smooth water, lots of space and a huge standing area. Afterwards, just come back up again (the current will help you) or, if that doesn't work out yet, we will be happy to drive you back in a pick up truck.

Although the sun sets early here and darkness sets in very quickly, the special conditions of the closed lagoon mean that you can kite into the sunset (and a little bit beyond) without any problems.


We have strong wind here, so if you are travelling between mid-August and mid-October, don't forget the 5 kite for girls and the 7 kite for boys. You can leave the 12 or bigger at home during this time. This is of course only a rough recommendation and a guideline as with wind and kite size everybody has his own taste.

You can save weight thanks to our compressor and leave the kite pump home. Also big or light wind boards would only be transported back and forth unnecessarily.

You do not want to buy a small kite especially for Brasil? And you think that you can get along with your 9? No problem, if the wind is too strong, we have kites, as well as shoes and lycras for rent or sale.

As long as you don't spend the majority of your time on the board, we recommend wearing neo shoes. Unfortunately the lagoon is not completely free of shells or stones. For the experienced kiter this is no problem (dragging instead of running) - nobody puts on shoes here, but if you run often, you might be surprised by a sharp shell or stone. And once can already be too much.

Wind & Weather

At just about 3° south latitude - almost directly on the equator - you will find perfect kite conditions here. Sun, warm water and last but not least the seemingly never ending wind. Between mid-June and mid-January the wind blows absolutely reliably every day from tomorrow until deep into the night. With wind speeds between 5 and 7 Beaufort, even the most eager among you, only your own physical condition decides how many kite sessions fit into the day or how extended they are. As the wind is our constant companion, it will always be pleasant, despite the rather high temperatures. These do not change here almost all year round; during the day it is about 29°C ± 2°C, and at night about 25°C ± 2°C. With water temperatures around 27°C it doesn't matter if you don't stand a trick. Contrary to popular belief, the wind is strongest in the months of August to October. A rough guide for the right kite size is therefore a 5/6 kite for the girls and a 7/8 kite for the boys. From November onwards, an 8 or 9 kite is usually ok.

In the morning hours between 6:00 am and about 10:30 am and after 5:00 pm the wind is usually a bit weaker than in the rest of the day. Here the kite can be one size bigger.

Sun: The sun is a little stronger than usual here, so think about wearing lycra to protect you from sunburn. Don´t forget your sun cream with a high sun protection factor.


Money: In Brazil you pay in real. The exchange rate is about 4 (1€ = 4 R$). With us you can pay in Euro, Dollar as well as in Real. You can get cash at cash machines with your credit card directly at the airport and in Itarema, which is about 4 km away. The cash machines in Itarema are often empty or only allow to withdraw small amounts. We therefore recommend to withdraw money at the airport. Ask your bank in advance for your pickup limit for Brasil. Some banks have lowered this limit as a standard. Also check whether geoblocking is deactivated for Brasil. If it is still active, you cannot withdraw money in Brasil. Getting Real already in Germany is not recommended due to the bad exchange rate.

Immigration: To enter Brasil you need a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months). No visa is required for a stay of up to 90 days. A return flight ticket must be presented.

Current COVID-19 situation: There is no test or vaccination record needed.

Power supply: The power supply system is 230V/50Hz - same as in Germany. For plugs with grounding (round) an adapter is necessary. Flat plugs can be used directly.


You will get an impression of the country and its people on a small side trip to Itarema, which is about 4 km away. The quite original, clean little town (about 30000 inhabitants) shows you the real Brasil. Here the clocks run a little bit differently. In the morning at 6 a.m. all shops are open and already many locals are on the streets. Especially on Tuesdays, because then there is a market here. You should definitely experience this market once. Even if the goods on offer - from clothes, household articles, tools, junk goods to food - usually do not meet the taste of the normal tourist, the difference is invigorating and fascinating. The rest of the city is also quite loud and lively - apart from the siesta of course, which is between 12 and 15 o'clock.

Especially on weekends and public holidays, people celebrate in the simple clubs of the city. Two or three times a year there are big parties lasting several days with hip national Forró bands. Then up to 30000 people from the surrounding and also a little further situated places party togehter. It is celebrated in full joy of life until sunrise.

A trip to Jericoacoara, about 120 km away, is also highly recommended. In the middle of a nature protected dune landscape a little place has been created which is probably unique in the world. It is famous for the beach, which was voted one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world by the National Geographic a few years ago, the Sunset Dune, which hundreds of tourists and locals climb every evening to enjoy the perfect sunset with their loved ones and the legendary nightlife, which only ends in the early morning hours. Not to mention the great Capoeira performances (Brasilian fight dance), the super nice caipi kiosks on the beach or the walks to the Pedra Furada, the landmark of Jeri. Also the one or other really nice souvenir is probably best found here.

The former hippie village has kept its flair despite the increasing tourism and is definitely worth seeing.

If you have a little more time, you can continue on to Barra Grande, to the still quite original Macapa, to Atins, to the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park ("sheets of Maranhão"), to Sao Luis or of course to the south to explore cities like Salvador da Bahia or Recife. There are no limits to your spirit of discovery.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at any time regarding organization, transfers, etc.